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Publicaciones de revistas legado que conforman la base de STRETCH
Autor de la foto: Dana Briscoe
Briscoe et al. (2021) Dynamic Thermal Corridor May Connect Endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtles Across the Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science
Autor de la foto: Ralph Pace
Saito, Kurita, Okamoto, Kakizoe, Parker, Briscoe, Rice, Polovina and Balazs (2018) Satellite tracking immature loggerhead turtles in temperate and subarctic ocean habitats around the Sea of Japan. Micronesica.
Autor de la foto: Ralph Pace
Brisco et al. (2016) Multi-year tracking reveals extensive pelagic phase of juvenile loggerheads in the North Pacific. Movement Ecology.
Autor de la foto: Phillip Miller
Briscoe et al. 2016. Active dispersal in loggerhead sea turtles during the 'lost years.' The Royal Society.
Autor de la foto: Phillip Miller
Saito et al. (2015) Tracking male loggerhead turtle migrations around Southwestern Japan using satellite telemetry. CCB
Autor de la foto: Denise Parker
Parker, Balazs, Rice and Tomkeiwicz (2014) Variability in reception duration of dual satellite tags on sea turtles tracked in the Pacific Ocean. Micronesica.
Autor de la foto: Blair Witherington
Abecassis et al. (2013) A model of loggerhead sea turtle habitat and movement in the Oceanic North Pacific. PLoS ONE.
Autor de la foto: Marc Rice (Hawai'i Preparatory Academy)
Kobayashi et al. (2011) Loggerhead movement off the coast of Taiwan: Characterization of a hotspot in the East China Sea and investigation of mesoscale eddies. ICES J.Marine Science.
Autor de la foto: Laura Lopez
Howell et al. (2010) Oceanographic influences on the dive behavior of juvenile loggerhead turtles in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Biology.
Autor de la foto: Ralph Pace
Kobayashi et al. (2008) Pelagic habitat characterization of loggerhead sea turtles in the North Pacific. JEMBE.
Autor de la foto: Thomas Dellinger (NOAA)
Howell et al. (2008) TurtleWatch: A tool to aid in the bycatch reduction of loggerhead turtles in the Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishery. ESR.
Autor de la foto: Marc Rice (Hawai'i Preparatory Academy)
Polovina, Uchida, Balazs, Howell, Parker and Dutton. (2006) The Kuroshio Extention Bifurcation Region: A pelagic hotspot for juvenile loggerhead sea turtles. Deep Sea Research II.
Autor de la foto: Jeffrey Seminoff (NOAA)
Parker, Cooke and Balazs (2005) Diet of oceanic loggerhead sea turtles in the central North Pacific. Fishery Bulletin.
Autor de la foto: Jeffrey Seminoff (NOAA)
Chaloupka, Parker and Balazs (2004) Modelling post-release mortality of loggerhead sea turtles exposed to the Hawaii-based pelagic long line fishery. MEPS.
Autor de la foto: L. Peavey Reeves
Polovina et al. (2004) Forage and migration habitat of loggerhead and olive ridley sea turtles in the central North Pacific Ocean. Fishery Oceanography.
Autor de la foto: Paula Olson (NOAA)
Polovina et al. (2003) Dive depth distribution of loggerhead and olive ridley turtles in Central North Pacific: Might deep long line sets catch fewer turtles? Fisheries Bulletin.
Autor de la foto: Paula Olson (NOAA)
Polovina et al. (2001) The transition zone chlorophyll front, a dynamic global feature defining migration and forage habitat for marine resources. Progress in Oceanography.
Autor de la foto: Ralph Pace
Polovina et al. (2000) Turtles on the Edge: Movement of loggerhead turtles along oceanic fronts, spanning longline fishing grounds in the central North Pacific, 1997-1998. Fishery Oceanography.
Investigación Sobre la Tortuga Boba del Pacífico Norte en América del Norte
Autor de la foto: Jim Abernethy
Welch et al. (2019) Environmental indicators to reduce loggerhead turtle bycatch offshore of Southern California. Ecological Indicators 98: 657-664.
Autor de la foto: SEE Turtles
Turner Tomaszewicz CN, Seminoff JA, Peckham SH, Avens L, Kurle CM (2017) Intrapopulation variability in the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts in sea turtles revealed using δ15N values from bone growth rings. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(3):694-704.
Autor de la foto: Ralph Pace
Tomaszewicz CN, Seminoff JA, Avens L, Goshe LR, Peckham SH, Rguez-Baron JM, Bickerman K, Kurle CM (2015) Age and residency duration of loggerhead turtles at a North Pacific bycatch hotspot using skeletochronology. Biological Conservation 186:134-142.
Seminoff JA, Eguchi T, Carretta J, Allen CD, Prosperi D, Rangel R, Gilpatrick Jr JW, Forney K, Peckham SH (2014) Loggerhead sea turtle abundance at a foraging hotspot in the eastern Pacific Ocean: implications for at-sea conservation. Endangered Species Research 24(3):207-220.
Autor de la foto: National Geographic
Allen CD, Lemons GE, Eguchi T, LeRoux RA, Fahy CC, Dutton PH, Peckham SH, Seminoff JA (2013) Stable isotope analysis reveals migratory origin of loggerhead turtles in the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 472:275-285.
Autor de la foto: National Geographic Kids
Wingfield DK, Peckham SH, Foley DG, Palacios DM, Lavaniegos BE, Durazo R, et al. (2011) The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean. PLoS ONE 6(11): e27874.
Autor de la foto: WWF
Peckham SH, Díaz DM, Walli A, Ruiz G, Crowder LB, Nichols WJ (2007) Small-scale fisheries bycatch jeopardizes endangered Pacific loggerhead turtles. PLoS ONE. 2(10):e1041
Crédito de la foto del encabezado
Blair Witherington
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